Our Journey

Our Journey

It all started in 2009 when I became engaged and decided to be diligent in planning my wedding on a budget. I was given $3000 for my entire wedding and honeymoon. This may seem completely impossible to most brides to be, but for me it was a challenge I was willing to accept. 

I have always been into budgeting and saving money, but it was not until I planned my wedding that I really found out how much can be saved. Friends of ours got married about 2 months before we did and their food alone cost as much as our entire reception! I just thought that was ridiculous. That put the extra pep in my step to get my goal accomplished. I scrimped and saved and researched deal after deal trying to make our money stretch and I succeeded! We had a beautiful ceremony in the courtyard of my childhood church and the reception took place inside in the sanctuary. We even took a week long vacation to Disney World.

Not long after our wedding, I discovered the new hit show on TLC called Extreme Couponing. After the first episode I was immediately hooked! I was just baffled at how much money these people were saving at the grocery store and was completely inspired. I had always ad matched and found the best deals at my regular grocery store without coupons, so the thought of saving even more with the use of coupons made me so excited! I started researching couponing immediately and became a pretty awesome couponer myself. I built a pretty massive stock pile. We even had to purchase an extra freezer and storage shelf to hold everything. I even started a website to help my friends and family to learn how to coupon and to save just like I was. Couponing became my passion. That is until I became pregnant in 2012.

I still couponed like crazy when I was pregnant but my priorities changed a bit. I started to stock up on diapers, baby food, clothes and all of the other baby essentials. Needless to say, my little boy had his own little stock pile that took about a year to completely go through. As many moms probably know, it can be difficult to live your life the way you always had once you bring a precious little life into the world. My son became my main focus and couponing got put on the back burner for a while. However, once things got into a bit of routine I was able to get back into my passion for saving money!

I am currently a crazy budgeter and scrimp and save anywhere and everywhere I can in order to save my family money. It is because of my diligence that we are able to live in the apartment of our dreams, drive a wonderful car and have very happy lives. When I had my son I no longer had the time to keep up with my couponing website and I must say that I miss blogging! I have had many friends and family interested in saving money so I decided to start this little blog as an outlet for the ones I love to get some insight into the life of an "extreme saver".

I hope you will come to love saving money just as much as I do. I used to limit myself and my family because I thought things were too expensive but I learned that I was so wrong! Anything can be accomplished if you put your mind to it and I am here as living proof that this is true! 

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